Every Dragon in House of the Dragon Explained | Official List | Game of Thrones Prequel | HBO Max

Welcome back for another Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon update video. In this video, I will be naming all of the dragons and their riders from A Song of Ice and Fire and Fire and Blood. These are all of the different dragons we will see over the course of the new Game of Thrones Prequel Series, House of the Dragon. According to George R.R. Martin, we will see 17 dragons in House of the Dragon. HOTD showrunner, Miguel Sapochnik, recently said we will see 9 dragons in the first season alone. This video should give you a good idea of who these dragons are, and who will be riding them (assuming they don’t change the history and lore) How Many Dragons are in House of the Dragon? Who Are The Dragons in House of the Dragon? Who Are The Dragonriders in House of the Dragon? Find out here!

Images and video clips from Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon are property of their creators, used here under fair use.

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